Ontario Footgolf Club Announcement
Ontario Footgolf Club wants to share personal and team ranking in North America for the season of 2024. It is very exciting to see our players go up in ranking and compete on top level against the best in Footgolf.
This information and ranking is based on FIFG statistics, local tournaments, our knowledge of organized events that help Footgolf community grow.
Follow our social media channels and website for interim statistics and upcoming years rankings.

We want to congratulate our club leaders “Igor Vitiv and Igor Kontsevoy for ranking #1 and #5 in Canada based on accumulated FIFG points throughout the season of 2024.
Second, thirds and fourth places were achieved by Nikko DeTranquilli, Darcy DeTranquilli and Matthew Mariani – all represent Toronto Footglof Club and play big role in FootGolf Canada.
Our players have been competing for just over a year and have already achieved top ranks in footgolf across Canada and North America.
Community Growth
Ontario Footgolf Club has a goal to grow community and educate everyone around about FootGolf as a sport.
By organizing local tournaments, interacting with other FootGolf clubs and meeting soccer teams on our field to show them our sport we increase local acknowledgement and interest in FootGolf.
We want to thank Michigan FootGolf Club and Talfik Rayyan for organizing amazing tournament, inviting people from other regions and cooperating with Ontario FootGolf Club.
World Ranking
Yet again Ben Clarke proves to be the best in FootGolf, ranking number one earning 5286 points at 10 FIFG events.
We can see that most of players ranked in top 5 have participated in all possible events. At each FIFG tournament besides earning cash prizes, players earn points, which are distributed based on placement for that specific tournament.

Goals for Following Years
Following years Ontario FootGolf club will participate in team tournaments against other 8 clubs in North America.
Our goal is to show best results, attract players and rank on top of personal and club competitions as well as FIFG ranking.